Quick reminder : this week we’re taking a peek into what we think the future will be like; particularly surrounding the world of fitness. And when you consider what things were like back in 1994 (the same length of time in the other direction) compared to now, you can see that some things are pretty similar; and a lot isn’t.
Here’s the perfect opportunity for you to share your visions (and hopes, and goals) of the fitness world in just 18 years time.
Join us for Gymchat 173 – Fitness in 2030. Fantastic.
The world will be a very different place in 2030.
No matter what your vision of the future – something from a sci-fi novel or a technologically advanced version of what we have now – there will undoubtedly be a lot of changes involved. Particularly when it comes to health & fitness.
If you’re currently a Personal Trainer (or use one), what sorts of changes would you expect to see over the next 18 years? Will the average age of your clients increase; as people live longer, healthier lives? Will you gradually move away from one-on-one coaching to working with groups and clients online?
And most importantly (particularly as various physical repairs and enhancements get closer and closer) :
Will people still want to train if they don’t have to?
There’s a lot to think about, whether you’re on the trainer or client side of the fence. Whatever you think is likely to happen – and what you’d like to see – we’d love to hear about it. Join us for Fitness in 2030. Fantastic.
Details –
Who : Everyone who intends to be training in 18 years’ time
Topic : Fitness in 2030
When : Wed Jun13, 9pm EDT (here’s how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Where : https://plus.google.com/u/0/113406428532094481598/posts/c3Xw9qx6paS
For everyone who’s joining us for their first Gymchat, welcome. Just dive right in, and ask any training-related questions you like.
See you there.