About Straight to the Bar
Straight to the Bar is the online home of fitness enthusiast Scott Bird, and looks at the many training approaches, essential techniques, uncommon exercises and superb equipment to help you become as strong as humanly possible. In short, this site is the home of all things strength.
If you’ve just joined us, welcome. A quick note : while it’s all great content, there’s certainly a lot of it. To make life easier I’ve highlighted my own favourite articles on the site; you’ll find all the details over on the Start Page. There’s also a weekly newsletter available if that’s more your thing.
A note on the various images used on Straight to the Bar :
As a quick glance will tell you, we use an incredible number of images on Straight to the Bar. As well as those supplied by individual authors, we source them from Flickr’s Creative Commons area, the SttB Flickr Group, and of course my own photographs. Running, cycling, fitness paths and a whole lot more.
About Scott Bird
Scott is a writer, photographer and a guy who just loves this stuff. He’s been at home in front of a computer for more years than he cares to remember (OK, 38) and is now making amends for years of many mistakes noted in the De-constructing computer guy articles (part 2) on T-Nation.
Stalkers may wish to track his every move via Twitter; everyone else is cordially invited to hop over to his online home. Enjoy.