There are a number of ways to get your regular fix of Straight to the Bar, including the many feeds & newsletters listed below. Whether you’re after a general overview or a detailed inspection of a particular area, we’ve got you covered :
I love using RSS feeds in order to find new information. Extremely fast, and it happens according to my own schedule.
A wonderful way to use the internet.
If you’re similarly inclined, consider adding some of the feeds below – these are the ones for this site in particular. Enjoy.
- Articles
Don’t miss a thing. This is the main feed – every article that appears on the site. Grab the RSS version, or get it delivered automatically via email. - Comments
All new comments received, on every article on the site. The perfect way to hear everyone’s thoughts on things. - Facebook Wall Updates
Everything we post on Facebook. Warning : this one’s for serious strength enthusiasts only – it tends to be a little on the high-volume side. - Books on Goodreads
Love reading? Same here. This is a feed of all the books I’ve read. You’ll also find all the lists and recommendations on the same site. - Photos from the Flickr Group
Every new photo added to the Flickr Group. And if you’d like to add a few of your own, just join the (free) group.
NB : if you’re new to the world of feeds and would just like to check them out, grab one of the free readers available. My personal favourite is NetNewsWire.
- The Strength & Fitness Newsletter
This is the easiest way to keep up with the world of strength. It’s a weekly newsletter (delivered each Monday), containing highlights from the blog, details of upcoming gymchats, exercises, tips and a whole lot more. - The Straight to the Bar Daily
A daily dose of the various things (generally fitness-related) we’re talking about in the Straight to the Bar community. Grab it here. - The Better Sleep Nightly
I’ve been fascinated by sleep for as long as I can remember. Here’s a daily dose of tips & research into this wonderful area. - Leave it in the Ground
On Straight to the Bar we talk a lot about air pollution, primarily from a gym-owner’s perspective. This newsletter looks at the topic far more broadly – the gradual move away from the use of fossil fuels : Leave it in the Ground - Electric Cars in Australia
Diving in to the area of air pollution a little deeper, we take a look at a great way to help reduce it – with electric cars (in Australia in particular). If you’re considering an EV or would just like to learn a little more about air pollution & health, swing by.
Love the content here? If you’d like to be notified (via email) whenever we add a post to this site, just subscribe in the comments area beneath any article.
Click ‘Notify me of new posts via email.‘ to get going.
NB : you can also subscribe to these discussions – just click the box beside ‘Notify me of new comments via email.‘.
X (Formerly Twitter) Lists
In addition to the various feeds & newsletters above, I use X (Formerly Twitter)’s ‘List’ functionality to sort and maintain information on a number of topics. In particular :
- Exoskeletons
Wearable Robots. As mobility aids and to augment strength. - SttB-writers
Many, many people write for Straight to the Bar (let me know if you’d like to join us). Love it. - All-things-medical
New medicines, procedures & equipment. - Cycling
I want to ride my bicycle. - Aging & Longevity
Research into aging and longevity. - Twitterchats
The X (Formerly Twitter) list you’ll see in the sidebar – covering events, gym sessions, strength feats and a whole lot more. Everything training-related.
As well as the lists on various training-centric topics, I also use them to help keep an eye on other interests – electric cars, photography and so on. You’ll find the full list here.