Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Want to take your workouts up a notch? Throw in a bit of kettlebell training. Love it.

What to get

The equipment is pretty simple. I personally use the Dragon Door kettlebells; all of which I’d highly recommend. Beautiful things.

In terms of space, the workouts don’t require all that much – though it’s great if it’s available. As long as you have room to swing the bell both in front of and behind you, and to press it overhead, you’ll be fine.

What to do with them?

There are many, many ways to train with a kettlebell. Here are a few of my favourites :

Want More?

We’ve looked at a number of fantastic kettlebell exercises and variations over the years. Here’s a complete list.

Keep on Learning

There’s actually quite a bit of info (both online and offline) available on kettlebell training methods, including :

Final thought on kettlebell training

Kettlebells are one of the few training tools I take with me wherever I happen to be working out (in the home gym, the backyard pool, the local park and so on). Once you try them, you’ll quickly see why. Beautiful things.