Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Review : Functional Correction Manual
Written By : Goody Girl77

I was recently fortunate to get my hands on a copy of ‘Functional Correction; a manual written by Tim Hull, a man who has worked in the Health and Fitness Industry for over 15 years. He has specialised in Personal Training, Massage Therapy and also Physical Therapy. This hands-on experience, combined with his understanding and theoretical knowledge, has resulted in a manual which I believe is not only an important resource for beginner to advanced level trainees, but also an invaluable resource for Trainers and Coaches alike.


Sadly, in recent years, we have all become more sedentary, definitely at home and often in the workplace. This increasingly sedentary lifestyle has caused poor posture and movement patterns and has seen a gradual decline in strength and flexibility levels in individuals. This leads to a higher risk of injuries which negatively affect performance and quality of life. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
If you want to prevent future injuries, recover faster from an ongoing injury, or simply improve your general function and performance, then you MUST read this manual! I’ve had a chronic history of both lower back and neck pain and I wish I’d known about these corrective techniques earlier! I have tried these exercises and I like them. They have been beneficial for me and I will continue to incorporate them into my daily routine.

The Muscle of the Manual

I’ll call the main body of this book the ‘Muscle‘ of the Manual. It’s meaty. By that, I mean it contains a great deal of volume and is strong in both explanations and instructions. This Manual explores in depth, some of the reasons why we are more prone to injury. It discusses a common cause of injury; muscle imbalances.
You’ll learn about particular groups of muscles which tend to be excessively strong or weak. You’ll learn about areas which are often overlooked, yet which are important to address. You’ll also be supplied with the fantastic ‘7 Daily Essentials‘, exercises which hit the majority of problem areas and help promote a more mobile and healthy body. This section in particular, is one you do not want to miss!
Through comprehensive explanations and photographs, you’ll also learn the difference between Mobility and Flexibility Exercises and when the right time is to use each one. And by reading this manual, you’ll also learn ways to activate weak muscles, loosen tight muscles and eventually correct problem areas.
The Manual continues on to discuss the aspects and importance of Recovery. Nutrition, various stretching methods and Self Myofascial Release techniques are all covered. By utilising these specific exercises, techniques and new found knowledge, you can then eliminate or reduce pain and work towards building a healthier, more functional body!


The plan is to choose a few exercises to incorporate which are relevant to your current physical condition and abilities. As you become more proficient at these, you may choose to advance to some more difficult exercises.
You don’t need to go out and spend lots of money to do these exercises. In fact, for most of the exercises, you don’t need anything but yourself and some dedication. If you fancy some exercises which require equipment, they’re not complicated pieces of equipment, they’re all simple accessories and are easy to find or order.

Final Thoughts

The mobility and flexibility aspect of training is often neglected. Put your new found knowledge into practice! Incorporate these exercises every day and find time for them in your training program and you might just be surprised at the positive impact they’ll have on your strength and your overall performance.
This manual is best used in conjunction with the Author’s featured YouTube Channels, which offer Exercise demonstrations. The reader will also be provided with a free initial email consultation to help set-up an individualised program and answer any questions they may have about the Manual.
We all want to feel relaxed, move more freely, improve our performance and avoid injuries. If you think you’re at your peak without reading this manual, it may be time to think again!
This is an invaluable resource and is certainly worth a read.

Over to you. Drop us a line on Twitter ( @scottbird ), or add a comment below.



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Written By Goody Girl77
GoodyGirl77 is a mother of two, a life-long supporter of the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and perhaps the most dedicated lifter you'll ever meet. Take a look at her training log and you'll see what I mean.
Drawing of Scott Andrew Bird performing a deadlift. Artwork by Vince Palko.