During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- How perception can boost sports performance : the NYT noted the research on a fascinating area – how your perception can aid your performance on the field. Intriguing idea.
- Training when on-the-road : travel workouts just got a whole lot simpler. We checked out the DVRT Water Bag fillers for the Ultimate Sandbag. Fantastic idea.
- Pain-free needles : very interesting idea – a ‘needle before the needle‘. Philippa explains.
- Exercise & shoulder surgery : The Rotater‘s Chris Melton pointed to an interesting study recently, looking at the impact of exercise on shoulder impingements. Nice one.
- Gymchat, and the Guide to Neck Training : we had a great discussion on the many ways to ‘get your yoke on‘; and explored the various resources we mentioned in the Straight to the Bar Guide to Neck Training. If you’re considering doing a little neck work yourself, this is a great place to start.
NB : to see all of these as they appear (and to share your own thoughts on things), the simplest way is to follow me on Google+. You’ll see these, and a whole lot more.