During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- Conversion From ‘Bad‘ Fat to ‘Good‘ Fat : Can white fat cells be converted to brown fat cells, and vice-versa? Quite possibly.
- Sports on Google Glass : This is where my technology, photography and fitness interests combine. Love it.
- Smart Thermometer : This is a very simple – and very powerful – idea. A thermometer than connects to a smartphone for additional functionality.
- Low-Cost Robotic Arm Controlled With Facial Muscles : This sounds fantastic. Particularly the idea of ‘picking up remote objects‘ – does an arm need to be attached in order to feel like part of you?
There were also a number of things discussed on the Straight to the Bar Community pages, and in the daily ‘Paper‘. However you like to get your dose of ‘What’s happening in the world of fitness?‘, we’ve got you covered. Swing by.