During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Nuzzel The Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- Link Between Microbiome, Parkinson’s : Interesting correlation.
- Freezing and Rewarming of Various Tissues and Organs : Promising indeed – for both repairs and transplants.
- Healthcare’s Digital Revolution : Some very interesting technologies in there. And yes, I agree completely.
- 3D-Printing Functional Blood Vessel Networks : Synthetic organs just got a whole lot closer.
- Brain-Computer Interface Lets Severely Paralyzed Type Quickly : This type of system is extremely promising – for a wide range of conditions. The ability to communicate, and to help adjust their environment.
We also talked about Bone density & vitamin D, Suing Stuttgart’s mayor for ‘bodily harm’ caused by air pollution and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.