Looking for a fun way to do a little shoulder work, tear up the lawn and confuse your dogs? Look no further than the kettlebell put.
Kettlebell Put
The technique for this is almost identical to standard shotput technique (a good synopsis is here). The only differences are the kettlebell’s handle, and its flat base.
There isn’t much you can do to alter this one apart from changing the weight of the bell itself. Start with a lighter one (no more than about 8kg); which should fit neatly in the palm of your hand.
This exercise can also be done (using a slightly different technique) with dumbbells – once again, keep them fairly light.
Things to consider
Obviously this is one for outdoors, but remember that the bell will keep tumbling after it hits the ground; so be prepared for some odd-shaped indentations in the lawn. If you’re near a beach, I suspect sand is the ideal surface for this.