With the rack back in place (but not the bench – more on that in a minute) it was time for a new routine. A few months of Total Gym, bodyweight and kettlebell work have broadened my appreciation of all things strength related, and this routine reflects that.
The current home gym setup (at my parent’s house – my home whilst doing a little house hunting) contains the rack, dumbbells, kettlebell, bands and Total Gym: in fact, everything except the bench (which simply doesn’t fit in the room). Hence the lack of incline/decline work, and an increased reliance on floor pressing. A small price to pay.
Sources of ‘inspiration‘ (OK, I’ve taken things quite liberally from these) include :
Alwyn Cosgrove’s recent article Seven Keys to Athletic Success, which helped define the sequence of events within each workout
The article 8 Weeks to Monster Shoulders by Alwyn Cosgrove and Chad Waterbury, which discusses shoulder flexibility
Several articles on the Westside Barbell protocol, including Kris‘ excellent post The Westside Protocol (and associated routine)
The overall routine is as follows :
Mobility (warm-up phase)
- with particular emphasis on hip and shoulder complexes
- NB : consumption of pre/during workout shake will be here, once I do a little powder-shopping
Injury prevention
- focus on shoulders – exercises such as YTWLs (Google video)
- these are done on a stability ball, rather than an inclined bench
Core work
- focus on abdominal strength; exercises consist of stability, rotational and hip flexion movements
- various forms of plyo push-ups, burpees and other fun things
Resistance training
- a simple Westside template, with a gradually increasing volume (and no max attempts initially)
- use of bands will be limited (at least until I comfortably bench 90-100kg)
- a selection of steady-state cardio, sandbag work, bodyweight and Total Gym exercises
- whatever is available and seems appropriate at the time – myofascial release, hot/cold shower, swimming
- with focus on hips and shoulders
- NB: consumption of post-workout shake takes place here (once again some shopping is required first)
On a daily basis, this looks something like :
Mon | Wed | Fri | Sun | |
ME Squat | ME Bench | DE Squat | DE Bench | |
Load | work up to 3RM | work up to 3RM | 8×2@70% | 9×3@60% |
Exercises | GM Squat Deadlift |
Floor press (bar + dbs) KB floor press |
Squat Deadlift variations |
Floor press (bar) |
Muscles | Posterior chain | Triceps, shoulders | Posterior chain | Triceps, shoulders |
Load | 3-6 x 5-8 | 4-6 x 5-10 | 4-6 x 5-8 | 3-4 x 8-12 |
Exercises | RDL SLDL Rack pull (with and without bands) Band pull-through |
Dips Plate raise Overhead shoulder pressing Rack lockouts Pin pressing CG floor press French press |
RDL SLDL Rack pull (with and without bands) Band pull-through |
Dips Plate raise Overhead shoulder pressing Rack lockouts Pin pressing CG floor press French press |
Muscles | Abs | Lats | Abs | Lats |
Load | 3-4 x 6-15 | 4 x 6-10 | 3-4 x 6-15 | 4 x 6-10 |
Exercises | Bridging Side bend, suitcase deadlift Woodchopper (band) Reverse Crunch, Hanging knee/leg raise |
Rows KB rows |
Bridging Side bend, suitcase deadlift Woodchopper (band) Reverse Crunch, Hanging knee/leg raise |
Rows KB rows |
NB : The exercises listed will change (and be added to), but the days + target muscles will not.