Bud‘s recent post To Squat or Not to Squat got me thinking about some of the lesser-known varieties of squat, and a brief conversation with my dad on Bruce Lee pointed us both in the direction [1] of the Jefferson – or Straddle – Squat.
This is little more than a variation on the usual Jefferson Lift (itself a reasonably uncommon exercise), and begins in the same manner. The difference : after the bar is lifted to the highest point possible (without causing yourself injury – try it and you’ll see what I mean), bend the legs and squat down about 10cm/4″ and return to the top. Overall it shifts the emphasis slightly toward the thighs from the usual low back work.
Another consideration is that grip strength plays quite a large role in this exercise; perhaps even moreso than in a conventional deadlift.
1. Bruce Lee – The Art of Expressing the Human Body (p120)