Thanks to everyone who joined in today’s twitterchat with Swager Strength‘s Drew Kuespert ( It really was a fascinating discussion on a variety of strongman equipment and training techniques; a few highlights :
- ‘velocity is a missing ingredient in most strength athletes’ programs.‘
- ‘CFT is pre-fatiguing the body before lifting & still being able to perform at a high level in a constant state of fatigue.‘
- ‘The Velocity Swiper is about pure speed whereas the Battling Ropes to build strength endurance.‘
- ‘This material makes the exercise much more intense and cutting-edge, building more whip-like speed.‘
- ‘The whole body gets hit, especially the core. Your legs have to work overtime to stabilize the body.‘
- ‘Yes, the usual mix for high reps. Jon just started lifting logs in November and he’s hooked.‘
Overall it was a great discussion. Next week we’re chatting with Fight Geek ( about ‘Backyard Posse Training‘ – the innovative use of home-made equipment at The Pound. See you there.