I absolutely love talking about training, and the twitterchats have proven to be a great way to share ideas. New exercise combinations, DIY equipment, injury prevention and much, much more. Love it.
We’ve got some great discussions coming up, and if you’d like to be a guest for one, the details are below. First though, a brief description of a twitterchat :
The twitterchats are weekly discussions (held on Twitter, hence the name) on a range of strength-training topics. Quite apart from being fascinating conversations in their own right, they’re a lot of fun.
To join in, simply add #sbgym to each of the messages you send. If you set up a search column for ‘sbgym‘ (here’s how), you’ll be able to see what everyone else is saying.
That’s it. Swing on by – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Upcoming Twitterchats
Over the past couple of years we’ve covered a range of subjects relating to strength-training & nutrition. Old-time strongman skills, hormones & diet, biphasic sleeping, setting up a gym and so on. Anything and everything that’ll help us break PRs and smash our goals.
Over the next month or two, here are just a few of the topics we’ll be discussing :
- Sports Injuries
- Buying Second-Hand Equipment
- Strength & Conditioning for Judo
- Training for Beginners
- Myofascial Release
Full details of these discussions will be in the Strength & Fitness Newsletter, as well as in the Straight to the Bar Forums. Really looking forward to them.
How to Be a Guest on a Future Twitterchat
As you can see, we look at the world of strength from a number of angles. If you’d like to nominate yourself as a guest for a future twitterchat, or suggest a subject for discussion, here’s how to get in contact with us :
And thank-you. I genuinely appreciate all the feedback on these discussions. Love them.