During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- LUMOback : This is a great idea. A device worn on a belt around the waist (backwards) looks at the shape of your lower back to determine posture. Vibrates when you slouch; as well as saving the data for your physiotherapist or chiropractor. Love it.
- HealthTap : Interesting approach to healthcare – the ability to discuss things with thousands of doctors via your mobile device, for a small monthly fee.
- Strength Kit : we’ve shared an incredible number of free resources over the years. Various ebooks, guides and newsletters.
The best of these have been gathered together into the ‘Straight to the Bar Strength Kit‘. - NutritionRank : Another player joins the nutritional data space – NutritionRank. Great to see; though I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens when this information simply forms part of other products.
- Brain trace can detect autism : The BBC noted an interesting study at Boston Children’s Hospital which is looking at EEG as a diagnostic tool for those with autism. Very promising indeed.
NB : to see all of these as they appear (and to share your own thoughts on things), the simplest way is to follow me on Google+. You’ll see these, and a whole lot more.