During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Forums and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- Morning People are Happier Than Night Owls : An interesting study at the University of Toronto – and having made the switch myself (I used to be very much a late night person), I have to agree.
- Do You Train in the Heat?‘ : Performance may actually improve as a result of that time battling the heat.
- PrimalCon 2013 : Looks great.
- Electronic Nose : With applications in Agriculture, Industry & the Military (and hopefully Medicine); this one is certainly being watched with interest.
- New Cells for ALS Patients : Looking to slow down the progression of the disease, surgeons at Emory University implanted a second dose of neural cells into a patient’s spinal cord. Great idea.
Not only the surgery itself; also the change in process that enables this surgery to happen in the first place. A loosening of the basic restrictions, due to the fatal nature of ALS.
NB : to see all of these as they appear (and to share your own thoughts on things), the simplest way is to follow me on Google+. You’ll see these, and a whole lot more.