During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- How Exercising at Work Saves Money (For Both Employers and Employees) : A very interesting look at exercise in the workplace. Beneficial both in terms of health & fitness, and financially.
- Kinect 2.0 and the Future of Health : When it comes to health & fitness, the Kinect 2.0 is certainly powerful technology. Marcelo Calbucci notes just some of the things it could easily be doing in just a few years.
- Alzheimers Breakthroughs : There’s some incredible research surrounding the area of Alzheimers, and age-related conditions in general. This week we saw Molecular Trigger for Alzheimers Identified, Drugs Found to Prevent Alzheimers in Mice and Cinnamon Compound Has Potential to Help Prevent Alzheimers. Good stuff.
- Stem-cell Treatment Restores Sight to Blind Man : Fantastic.
We also noted some incredible breakthroughs from the worlds of 3D-printing, enhanced body parts and a whole lot more. Join the discussion in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.