During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- First Human Trial of DNA Nanobots Designed to Treat Various Cancers : DNA Nanotechnology (aka ‘DNA Origami‘) holds enormous promise. Treating specific cancers, for starters.
- ‘Imaginary Meal‘ Tricks the Body into Losing Weight : Interesting idea – a pill that tricks the body into thinking it has already consumed calories. Question : is this sort of approach ever reasonable, or would you prefer to alter the types of foods being consumed?
- ‘Power Naps‘ and Thomas Edison : Fan of the ‘Power Nap‘? So was Thomas Edison.
- Trial of the ‘NurOwn’ ALS Treatment : Promising indeed.
- ‘Cyborg’ Spinal Implant Could Help Paralysed Walk Again : This is truly incredible. A spinal implant that holds the potential for paraplegics to regain the ability to walk.
We also talked about a potential new treatment for Ebola, biological changes caused by exposure to diesel exhaust fumes and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.