During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, the Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- FDA Approved, 3D-Printed Drugs : Incredible potential. Being able to print the required medication, as needed.
- Soft Robotic Glove for Post-Stroke Hand Rehabilitation : Rehab work for the hands – initially for stroke victims.
- Clot-Resistant Artificial Blood Vessels : Very interesting research.
- One Step Closer to Peripheral Nerve Repair : Creating Schwann cells from skin cells. Good stuff.
- A Potential Ebola Vaccine : Fantastic.
We also talked about Energy storage and gyms, 3D-Bioprinting startups and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.