During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Google+, Twitter, Nuzzel The Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- Interesting Comparison of Plant-Based Diets : Lest you thought all vegetarian diets were much the same, this research shows that some are clearly better than others .
- Paris is Once Again Opening Up its Waterways to Swimming : Fantastic. Great form of exercise, and a great way to encourage the cleaning up of various canals and rivers.
- A Virtual Assistant to Help Those Who Can Speak, but Not Type : Wonderful combination.
- Some of the Cancer Patients Testing a New Therapy Noticed That Grey Hair Unexpectedly Darkened : Very interesting indeed. And yes, the therapy also performed the intended cancer-fighting task.
- Headphones With An AI Personal Trainer : This is a very interesting combination – the Vi Headphones. Kirk Fontaine’s currently testing them out – really looking forward to hearing his thoughts.
We also talked about A healthy lifestyle and increased life expectancy (about 7 years longer), Sugary drinks and protein-rich meals and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.