Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Giving Up Coffee
Posted By Scott Bird

Coffee beans

Coffee beans.

It’s been a long road. For years I’ve been surrounded by coffee drinkers (they’re not exactly hard to find), have worked in cafés, held meetings in large bookstores accompanied by several cups of espresso, and sampled delights from around the world at various coffee festivals. Enough is enough.

From a daily 8-10 cups a couple of years ago, I managed to work things down to a cup every few weeks. That was a few months back, and within a fortnight I was creeping back up to a routine hit every morning. I could feel the wide eyes and maniacal smile coming on.
Two weeks ago I decided to ditch the coffee – at least temporarily – in favour of green tea. Whilst this is certainly lower in caffeine, I quickly started to drink enough of it to really feel the effect.

Now, finally, I think it’s time to disentangle myself from the strange world of caffeine once and for all. I don’t drink caffeinated drinks for the ‘buzz‘, but only because I like the taste of them. In a way this makes it easier; rather than categorically state ‘this is my last coffee‘ (which tends to make me want another one).

I’ll simply stop drinking it.

Unless it smells really, really good.

Incidentally, if this has got you thinking about your own diet, you might like to swing by Fantastic site.

Over to you. Drop us a line on X/Twitter ( @scottbird ), or add a comment below.



NB : if you love talking about strength-training as much as I do, you might also like to check out the weekly newsletter. A regular dose of fitness-focussed discussions, absolutely free.

And if you'd like to check out any of the stuff mentioned above (or in the comments), swing by Amazon. Huge assortment of fitness gear.


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Written By Scott Bird
Scott is a long-time fitness enthusiast (Jan 2004!), writer and photographer living in Sydney, Australia. If you share the passion for spending a bit of time under a bar, welcome. Love hearing how everyone else trains. You can connect via X (Formerly Twitter), Facebook and the various networks listed in the sidebar.
Drawing of Scott Andrew Bird performing a deadlift. Artwork by Vince Palko.