An insanely wet and stormy week here at Straight to the Bar. Whilst sheltering in the home gym, the following appeared :
- Articles : Chip Conrad looked at what it means to be a Powerlifter, Mark Sisson discussed the relationship of anaerobic exercise, Lactic Acid and HGH and Chad Waterbury took on some serious calf training.
- Videos : Fight Science is a great series – here’s a snippet of Rickson Gracie on there, Andrew Durniat took on both the Inch and the Blob (at the same time) and here’s a great display of finger strength and balance. Superb.
- Ideas : Try doing this to a wrench, have a go at stone lifting without stones and set up an outdoor gym with some of this stuff. A light workout was never so much fun.
- Diet : Blaine discussed a couple of great chicken recipes, Mark dived into the good vs bad cholesterol debate and, well, it’s a cheeseburger in a can. Yes, really.
Here’s a quick look at Jonathan MacFarlane (NZ Strongest Man 2007) performing a 200kg (440lb) front squat. Not bad at all.