This month, Run To Win and Straight to the Bar will be looking at the many possibilities when it comes to home-made training equipment. To kick things off, I’ll be investigating several ways to keep your hands and forearms in great condition – DIY Grip Tools.
As you may have gathered, I love home-made exercise equipment. This is perhaps most evident when it comes to grip training – definitely a passion. Here, then, are instructions for making your own hand, wrist and grip tools.
Hands and fingers
If you’ve ever watched a rock climber at work – or performed a bit of climbing yourself – you’ll appreciate just how strong the hands and fingers need to be. Accordingly, several items from climbers’ training routines are featured here. Enjoy.
Campus board
Invented by Wolfgang Güllich, the Campus board is a superb piece of training equipment. The video shows it in action; Metolius is definitely the place to go when it comes to making one. Full instructions on construction and use – and they’ll even sell you the stuff if needed.
Rice and a bowl
This is about as simple as it gets. Rice digs are a great way to toughen up your fingers and hands, and make use of equipment you’ve already got in the kitchen. Grab a large bowl, half fill it with rice; plunge your hands in. Repeat.
Note : if the rice doesn’t present enough of a challenge, try using sand, lead shot or any other cheap, granular material. Oh, and don’t be tempted to eat the stuff afterwards.
Grip strength
Softball Implement
Recently Jedd showed how to make a softball grip implement. Cheap, simple and quick to make. Perfect.
Ever tried holding a pile of bricks by pinch-gripping the bottom one? Ironmind’s Stacker performs the same task; letting you adjust the weight easily in small increments. If your welding skills are OK, knock up your own. This video shows a home-made version in action.
Horizontal Pinch Device
In last year’s home-made equipment competition, Chris Rice came up with a brilliantly simple way of training the pinch grip. Superb idea.
Loadable plates

This surely rates as the simplest piece of grip equipment I’ve ever constructed; consisting solely of two nuts, two bolts and a length of chain (perhaps 2′ or 3′).
One end of the chain is looped through a plate, and ‘tied off‘ using one of the nut+bolt pairs. The other end of the chain is passed through another plate, and held there using the second nut+bolt. The picture at the top of this article show it in use.
Wrist Roller

This was one of the first pieces of equipment I made when I started working out. Although there are several variations possible, the rack-mounted version over on Dave Draper’s site is perhaps my favourite.

Clubs are great things. Although they’re one of the few items I tend to buy rather than make, there have been several attempts at constructing the perfect home-made equivalent.
Top of the list is Fightraining’s sand-filled approach. Details here. An alternative is demonstrated in the video below.

Although it isn’t always regarded as a piece of grip equipment, there’s no doubt that a dose of sandbag training will put your fingers, hands and forearms to the test. Of course there are several ways to construct these; here’s how I make mine.

If you happen to have a fitness ball lying around, here’s a great use for it. Over to Ross Enamait.
Altering existing equipment

One of the quickest ways to alter your existing equipment – so as to increase the level of grip work involved – is to fatten up the handles. This has an instant impact, and applies to dumbbell and barbell handles, and chinning bars.
To see just one way to do this, take a look at my own fattened-up chinning bar. Good fun.
Of course there are many, many other ways to enhance your grip training. What are some of your favourite pieces of home-made grip equipment?