How do you go about fine-tuning something like fat loss? Once you’ve made the major adjustments, where do you go from there?
This week we’ll be discussing just one part of the puzzle – hormone optimisation. The various ways to measure and adjust your hormone production, in order to achieve better body composition. Helping us tackle this fascinating area is Personal Trainer and Strongman Josh Hewett, alongside Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. Should be a great one – see you there.
NB : If this is the first time you’re joining us for one of the Video Gymchats, welcome. There are three basic ways to watch this (depending on whether you want to join us on the Hangout and ask a question or two, or just sit back and take it all in) – full details here. However you like to do it, we’ve got you covered.
Details –
Who : Josh Hewett
Topic : Hormonal Optimisation
When : Wednesday Apr 17, 9pm EST
How : Google+ Hangout. If you’ve never been to one, here’s how to take part.
See you there.
Previously : In Gymchat 200 we talked about ‘Beginning Powerlifting‘, with serious fan of the iron Chadwick Haines (aka Horse From Hell) and Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. Great discussion.
If you missed the broadcast, the video is available over on Kirk’s Youtube Channel. That’s also the best place to subscribe to the videos directly, and to see previous discussions.
If you’d like to suggest a future topic, or schedule an interview for one of the upcoming discussions, you can send us a message privately here, or swing by our Community site on Google+. Look forward to hearing from you.