The Home Gym. If you’re just getting started, training at home may be the perfect option : the ability to do what you want, when you want; without anyone looking on.
So where do you start – what do you need in terms of space/budget/equipment etc? Should you buy new stuff, second-hand or make your own? Do you miss out on anything by training at home, rather than in a commercial gym somewhere? Helping us tackle this one is Strongman Josh Hewett, alongside Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. If you’d like to ask a question or share your own love of training at home, join us on the Hangout. Details below.
Details –
Who : Strongman Josh Hewett, Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine and You
Topic : Setting up a Home Gym
When : Wed Aug 14, 9pm EST (here’s how to find out when that is in your timezone)
URL : It’ll also be streamed in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.
How : Here are the details. Alternately, just mention to Kirk that you’d like to join us, and he’ll help you get set up.
See you there.
Previously : In Gymchat 207 we talked about ‘Body Transformation‘, with Strength and Conditioning Coach Jason Paris and Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. Great discussion.
If you missed the broadcast, the video is available over on Kirk’s Youtube Channel. That’s also the best place to subscribe to the videos directly, and to see previous discussions.
If you’d like to suggest a future topic, or schedule an interview for one of the upcoming discussions, you can send us a message privately here, or swing by our Community site on Google+. Look forward to hearing from you.