Thanks again to everyone who watched and sent in questions for the discussion Gymchat 218 – Alternative Approaches to Exercise Prescription [with Josh Hewett and Matthew Palfrey] – much appreciated. If you haven’t seen it yet (or simply want to go over a particular point again), here’s the entire video.
It was a great discussion. Josh and Matt discussed the benefits of ‘enforced’ creativity, definition of ‘exercise prescription’, exercise selection, sports performance, multi-planar training, benefits of using sandbags, carryover of sandbag training to various sports, progressions based on movement patterns, range of motion, simple vs complex routines, program design, working with a ‘general fitness’ goal, giving things a chance to work; and a whole lot more. If you’re ready to try a slightly different approach, make sure you watch this one.
Next Week : we announce details of the upcoming discussions each week in the Strength & Fitness Newsletter. If you haven’t yet, swing by the Strength Kit page and add your name to the list.
Absolutely free.
NB : We love hearing your feedback on these discussions – it’s greatly appreciated. To add your own comments and suggestions, swing by the ‘What Would You Love To See?‘ page. Cheers.