Time to show what you’ve got. How do you squeeze out the last few percent – both mentally and physically?
Whether it’s for your own training or in competition (or both), it’s an essential skill. Helping explain exactly what’s involved – and how to maximise things – is Strength Coach (and Strength Athlete) Nassim Jebran, and Personal Trainer (and Strength Athlete) Josh Hewett. Fantastic.
NB : We’d love to hear your questions and comments. If there’s a particular subject you’d like Nassim and Josh to address, just swing by the event page for this Gymchat and leave a comment or jump in the Hangout and ask it directly.
And if you’d like to point your friends/colleagues to the discussion, just use the ‘share‘ button at the top of that page. The more the merrier.
Details –
Who : Strength Coach (and Strength Athlete) Nassim Jebran, Personal Trainer (and Strength Athlete) Josh Hewett, and You
Topic : How to Grind for Your Gains
When : Sunday Apr 26, 8:00pm EDT (the Event page shows what time that is in your local timezone).
How : Watch the live stream, join the hangout (just add Top Form Fitness to one of your circles, and Josh’ll send out the URL when the Hangout starts), or jump in the Q&A on the Event page itself. We’ll also post the full video shortly after the Gymchat.
Coming Up : We’ve got several fantastic discussions coming up shortly – with Powerlifter Bill Piche, Strength & Conditioning Coach Matt Palfrey and many, many others. Of course, we’re always scheduling more; if you’d like to suggest either a topic or a person that should definitely be on the show, drop us a line. Cheers.