During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Facebook, Twitter, in The Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- Cleaner Air During Lockdowns Is Relieving Asthma For Millions : This particular survey was conducted in the UK, though the premise likely has similar impacts in a number of countries elsewhere.
- Using Exercise Levels To Predict Risk Of Heart Disease And Death In The Elderly (Over 65 in This Case) : Earlier interventions, improved care.
- Diet, Gut Microbes Affect Cancer Treatment Outcomes : What we eat can affect the outcome of several medical treatments – notably chemotherapy.
- The Properties Of Synthetic Red Blood Cells (In Mice for Now, Humans In A Few Years) : Everything you’d expect, plus a few new abilities.
- Regrowing Human Skull Using A Bespoke, Slowly Disolving, 3D-Printed Scaffold : And yes, this approach also applies to other types of bone – lost due to an accident, or an illness.
We also talked about Dealing with future pandemics, More daylight = longer sleep and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness on this site, and in the Straight to the Bar pages on Facebook, Twitter and in The Daily ‘Paper’. Absolutely free.
NB : If you’re stuck at home for a while, and would still love to get the occasional workout in, swing by the guide page. Whether you’re sans-equipment or already have a home gym set up, these suggestions can really make a difference.