- FDA Clears Abbot’s Freestyle Libre 3 Glucose Sensor : For use by diabetics aged 4 years and older.
- Food Lasts 1 Week Longer With This Edible Silk Coating : Not for all foods by any means, but it’s a wonderful option to have.
- The Rapid Weight Loss Achieved With Bariatric Surgery Offers Long-Term Cancer Protection : Interesting.
- Fully Automated Insulin Delivery Is Edging Closer : Trial results for the iLet Bionic Pancreas.
- A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient : Fantastic.
NB : If you’re stuck at home for a while, you may be re-considering the many benefits of having a home gym. To learn how to put one together (and see the specific items we recommend), swing by the full Guide.