Recent Articles
As you can see, we post a lot – on this site, in the newsletter, on Twitter and so on.
On this site in particular, the following made an appearance recently :
Looking At : Feb 25 2024
This Week On Straight To The Bar…
Fitness Reading/Listening For The Week : ‘The Exquisite Machine: The New Science of the Heart’ (by Sian E. Harding)
Sian E. Harding’s ‘The Exquisite Machine: The New Science of the Heart’ is a wonderful exploration of this fascinating area. How everything works, why it all does what it does and how we’re taking advantage of various discoveries in other fields.
Love it.
Minimis Glass (AR Fitness Glasses)
Minimis Glass purports to be (I’ll be testing it soon) a pair of AR glasses with a clear focus on fitness. Think sunglasses with various metrics displayed as you run/cycle etc.
NO STONE UNTURNED EP1: Physio and Chiro (first ep of 12) (Mitchell Hooper)
This is the start of what promises to be a wonderful series (12 episodes) on recovery work.
Looking At : Feb 18 2024
This Week On Straight To The Bar…
Fitness Reading/Listening For The Week : ‘Synthetic Biology: Life’s Extraordinary New Worlds’ (by Milton Muldrow Jr, PhD)
Milton Muldrow Jr’s ‘Synthetic Biology: Life’s Extraordinary New Worlds’ course is a fascinating dive into this area – explaining thoroughly how everything works, and what to expect over the years. Love it.
Alpha Pillow 3D (Hypoallergenic Pillow)
We’ve looked at several sleep devices over the years, and the Alpha Pillow 3D is certainly up there.
The Best Way to Breathe When Lifting Weights (Dr Andy Galpin & Dr Andrew Huberman)
I was asked about this yesterday - breathing during an exercise, and pointed them here. Great explanation.
Looking At : Feb 11 2024
This Week On Straight To The Bar…
Fitness Reading/Listening For The Week : ‘Psychology For Dummies’ (by Adam Cash)
This week we’re diving back in to the world of mental health, with Adam Cash’s ‘Psychology For Dummies’ (‘Version 3’ in this particular case, though later iterations are likely fine). It’s a great overview of this fascinating field.
NB : you might also like to check out some of our favourites. Enjoy.