DIY workout gear doesn’t come much cheaper than this. If you’ve got 10 bucks in your pocket and an hour to spare, pop down to the nearest hardware store and grab the following :
- 8-10 heavy-duty freezer bags (the ‘snap lock’ ones are great if you can get them)
- large hessian sack
- large heavy-duty garden sack (to fit inside the hessian one)
- roll of cloth tape
- ball of twine
- about 20kg(45lb) of sand (any kind with a fairly small grain)
Assembly is a straightforward process.

Half fill each of the freezer bags with sand (until you run out of sand – I used 6, but it’s good to have spares).

Seal and tape each bag tightly – make sure you squeeze all the air out.

Place the garden sack inside the hessian one, and fill it with the small sandbags.
Tie up the sacks with twine.
That’s it! Obviously there’s a bit of trial-and-error involved, but you really can’t go too far wrong.
Changes I would make
I’ll use it a few times before I really start changing things, but a couple of likely culprits :
- I’d probably double-bag the smaller sandbags. Just in case.
- I may increase the cost slightly and start with more than 20kg of sand. It’s a good weight to start with, but a couple of weeks may suggest that more is necessary.
Further Reading
You may be wondering what to do with your new toy. Here are a few ideas.
Sandbag Training for Ultimate Abs And Core
Josh Henkin
Effective sandbag training
Josh Henkin
7 Reasons Why You Should Incorporate Sandbag Training Into Home Gym Trainees [.pdf, 207kb]
Josh Henkin
Sandbag Lifting
John Brookfield
273lb Sandbag Clean and Press
Sandbag Assault Movie