If you’re joining in the fun of the Home-made equipment competition you probably already know what it’s like to look at every object around your house with a ‘What if I…’ thought running through your head.
Here’s the official list (I’ll keep this updated as new entries come in) of the participants so far :
Clay Johnson : Clay has built some superb stuff over the years, including :
- Homemade Kettlebells for $1!
- Heavy Handle
- Revolving Handle
- Levers
- Thick Dumbbell Handles
- More Cheap Homemade Thick Dumbbells
- Homemade Dumbbell Rack
- Cheap Pinch Tools
- Loading Pins
- Log
His latest constructions, some farmers walk bars and a Strongman log, are great.
Tim : Tim‘s also constructed a couple of farmers walk bars, one of which is shown here. Superb.
Rad Man : a power rack. Wood, pipe – $80. Excellent.
Pat Hodgson : Detailed plans for an adjustable Deadlift, Shrug, Row bar. Love it.
Also the Quick and Easy Forearm Exerciser. Now that’s a great use for an exercise bike.
John Fike :
- The Perfect Stonebell. Absolutely brilliant.
- Home-made heavy bag. Just like hitting a real opponent.
Chris Rice : Horizontal Pinch Device. I definitely want one of these.
Jason Kirby : Home-made Medicine Ball (soon to be a Tornado Ball). Also on the way – a DIY Wobble Board.
Gary Chandler : several items, including a superb T-bar Row machine. Also :
- Wooden squat rack
- Wooden weight tee
- W-Bar (for chins)
- Chinning bar
- Hammer Press/Pull
Tom Moe : a superb device for the solo home lifter – an ‘Off Helper‘ for the bench press. Love it.
Bryan Bramhill (aka ‘bacon‘) : an extremely sturdy Dip Station. Watch the video to find out exactly how it was made and used.