Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Blast from the Past : Rope Training II
Posted By Scott Bird
Rope Climbing in the Legion

Via Begin2Dig : Rope Climbing in the Legion

Over the past seven years this site’s amassed an enormous amount of content. To help you find the highlights, I’ll be taking an occasional wander through the archives.

We first looked at Rope Training (in this series) almost 3 years ago. While the basic idea is very much the same, a couple of new exercise variations have cropped up since then.
Here’s another look at this wonderful form of training :

  • Weighted Rope Jumping
    First up, a rather unusual exercise (this was specifically for a World Record attempt, but the basic idea is sound). Grab a weight vest, ankle weights or your training partner :

  • Short Power Rope : Rope Circles
    Here’s a simple way (but a whole lot more challenging than it looks) way to put a short length of rope to work.

  • Bulgarian Bag Rope Swings

    Grab a Bulgarian Bag, Kettlebell or anything else with a bit of weight. These are downright fun.

  • Rope Climbing Technique : The Cinch and Pinch
    If you’re just beginning your rope-climbing journey (or are ready to start), here’s an essential piece : the way to climb a rope using the ‘Cinch and Pinch‘ technique. Beautiful.

  • Rapid Rope Climbing
    Once you get comfortable with your technique, you may like to consider something like this. A little speed work.

Further reading

Want more? Take a look at these :

  • Which ones to get?
    The equipment’s pretty simple. For climbing or dragging, a length of manilla rope is fine. These are typically 1.5″ or 2″, and in varying lengths. Your available space is the main consideration here.
    Personally, I use rope from a local nautical supplies place. I’ve also heard good things about those available from Monkey Bar Gym.
    For things like the Battling Ropes, a kit is probably the best solution. These typically contain both the rope (capped) and instructions in the form of a DVD. Perfect.

There’s also an incredible array of articles and videos on this site. Use the search box at the top of each page, or send me an email.

Over to you. Drop us a line on X/Twitter ( @scottbird ), or add a comment below.



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