Thanks again to everyone who watched and sent in questions for the discussion Gymchat 241 – Advanced Fat Loss : Losing the Last 10lb [with Online Fitness Coach Vic Magary, joined by Personal Trainer (and Strength Athlete) Josh Hewett] – much appreciated. If you haven’t seen it yet (or simply want to go over a particular point again), here’s the entire video.
It was a great discussion. Josh and Vic discussed Vic’s fitness background, the relationship between the ‘get rid of the last 10lb‘ approach and beginning fat loss for the first time, Vic’s three tiers of fat loss, how far can you push fat loss – when does it go from functional to purely aesthetic, performance objectives and lifestyle goals, time taken to ‘lose the last 10lb‘, measurement of body fat, tracking your diet, Intermittent Fasting, skipping breakfast, training in a fasted state, timing of post-workout meals; and a whole lot more. If you’re ready to Get Serious About Fat Loss, make sure you watch this one.
Recommended Resources
There were several great resources noted during the Gymchat. In particular :
As well as Vic‘s own site (superb resource):
Nice one.
Next Week : we announce details of the upcoming discussions each week in the Strength & Fitness Newsletter. If you haven’t yet, swing by the Strength Kit page and add your name to the list.
And if you’ve missed any of the previous discussions, no problem. Full list here.
NB : We love hearing your feedback on these discussions – it’s greatly appreciated. To add your own comments and suggestions, swing by the ‘What Would You Love To See?‘ page. Cheers.