- NMN Improves Metabolic Health In Humans : Results of the first efficacy trial.
- Vegetarians Have Healthier Levels Of Disease Markers Than Meat-Eaters : An observational study yes, but interesting research nonetheless. Look forward to seeing more.
- Germany Joins The List Of Countries Affording Greater Freedom For COVID-19 – Vaccinated Citizens : Ahead of the EU’s ‘digital vaccine passport‘ rollout.
- What are senotherapeutics? How do senolytics compare to senomorphics? : Great video.
- Sweat Sensor for Non-Invasive Glucose Measurement : It measures glucose levels on the skin (via sweat) and converts them into blood sugar estimates. A regular (once or twice each month) finger-prick calibration helps to make this even more accurate.
NB : If you’re stuck at home for a while, you may be re-considering the many benefits of having a home gym. To learn how to put one together (and see the specific items we recommend), swing by the full Guide.