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Incidentally, this site’s been helping people become fitter, healthier and stronger since January 2004. If you’ve just joined us, I highly recommend subscribing to the weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter (part of the Strength Kit), which contains details of new posts on the site, freshly-minted video demonstrations & tutorials, details of upcoming Gymchats and a whole lot more.
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To help get you started, here are a few of our most recent posts. And if you want to dive in to a particular area. check out the ‘Start Here‘ page above. Enjoy.

PRUNGO (Red Light Therapy Device)
The PRUNGO is a red light therapy device designed to sooth minor injuries just after they occur. The video will show you what I mean.

How To Grow Bigger Hands – (2 Years Of Hand Growing Experiments) (pigmie – @focusedlucas)
Nice one.

Looking At : Nov 10 2024
This Week On Straight To The Bar…

Fitness Reading/Listening For The Week : ‘Insulin : A Hundred-Year History’ (by Stuart Bradwel)
Stuart Bradwel’s ‘Insulin : A Hundred-Year History’ takes a wonderfully thorough look at the history of this incredible hormone – notably that of the synthetic version.

Measurrd (Smart Kitchen Scale)
The Measurrd Scale is an intriguing mix of kitchen scale and online recipe guide. A smartphone app (with an API!) completes the picture.

I Only Ate ‘Healthy’ Fast Food For 50 Hours (Will Tennyson)
Curious though : what’s your own diet like when travelling – does it change at all? Personally, if I’m only on-the-road for a few days or weeks; I eat & drink whatever I like. Get back to a routine once I return.

Looking At : Nov 3 2024
This Week On Straight To The Bar…

Fitness Reading/Listening For The Week : ‘Wall Pilates for Seniors : 31 Easy Low-Impact Home Exercises to Improve Your Strength, Flexibility, and Balance’ (by Michael Smith)
Following a recent conversation (it was actually on calisthenics) I was pointed to Michael Smith’s ‘Wall Pilates for Seniors’. Great way to get people moving.
( And if you’re keen on testing it out yourself, you’ll be happy to know that it blends well with the slightly more strenuous forms of training. )

3D Swing Shirt (Workout Clothing For Analyzing Your Golf Swing)
Very interesting idea.
The 3D Swing Shirt is an item of workout clothing which is squarely focused on your golf swing. Sensor laden, it shares its insights in real-time both in playing and on the course.

I Tried BOKH (mongolian wrestling) (Sensei Seth)
Nice one.