Just got your first kettlebell and wondering what to do with it? Here are some great places to start.
Kettlebells are incredibly versatile tools. Here are some great exercise ideas.
- Sample kettlebell exercises (Mike Mahler)
- Kettlebell training (Dragon Door)
- Kettlebells articles (Bodybuilding.com)
- Kettlebell 101 (Anthony DiLuglio)
For a regular supply of great kettlebell information, check out the following newsletters. Several of them come with free kettlebell ebooks, making this a very worthwhile proposition indeed.
- Minute of Strength (Anthony DiLuglio)
- Aggressive Strength Magazine (Mike Mahler)
- London Kettlebells
- FullKontact (Steve Cotter)
NB : for more great strength training books, check out the recommendations from the Straight to the Bar writers.
Sites and Blogs
- No Fear Fitness (Lisa Shaffer)
- On the Edge Fitness (Lauren Brooks)
- Canadian Kettlebell Magazine
- The blogs of Mark and Tracy Reifkind
If you’ve come across any other great kettlebell resources, just leave a comment below.