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Whether it’s for rehab, prevention or simply strength (these can really help your deadlift) – there’s nothing quite like a dose of lower back work. Here are just a few of the Good Morning Variations we’ve looked at over the years :
- Mace Good Morning
First up, grab the Mace. Here’s the Mace Good Morning. Good stuff. - Waiter’s Bow
This exercise was first seen in an article by Coach John Davies on T-Nation. It’s designed as a high-rep warmup movement; though I occasionally use it at the end of a workout (particularly after deadlifting) or as part of a light feeder.
To perform the Waiter’s Bow, clutch a weight plate across your chest. With legs slightly bent, bend forward at the waist until you reach about 45 degrees. At this point you should feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. - Zercher Good Morning from Pins
Zercher Good Morning from Pins .
From Justin‘s superb article Band Suspended Weight, the Zercher Good Morning from Pins. Good fun.
- Band Good Morning
I first saw these on the Westside Dead Lift Secrets DVD, though the guys at Westside Barbell have undoubtedly been doing these for a long time.
To do them, simply anchor one end of the band with your feet and loop the other end over your head (so it sits on the back of your neck). Perform Good Mornings as usual.
- Seated Good Morning
Seated Good Morning.
I first tried these after reading an article by Coach John Davies (pictured); in which he explains two versions of the exercise (on a bench, and on the floor). Both are superb, and definite keepers.
Final Thoughts
In terms of equipment, Good Mornings really don’t need all that much. Depending on the variation you choose, all you’ll require is a band or two, a barbell and a few plates.
Further reading
Want more? Take a look at these :
- Bending From the Hips is a Learned Skill
Believe me, it’s not necessarily something you’re born with. If you can’t do it correctly, practice. - Bruce Lee’s Back Injury
One of the more famous injuries of recent decades – here’s what seems to have happened. - Good Morning Progressions and Complementary Stretches
A great way to get started, no matter where you’re starting the journey.
There’s also an incredible array of articles and videos on this site. Use the search box at the top of each page, or send me an email.