During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Facebook, Twitter, in The Daily ‘Paper’ and so on. Here are a few of my favourites.
- The Possible Long-Term Impacts Of The Current Coronavirus Pandemic : This has been discussed in a number of places. A great one to start with is Freakonomics Podcast 409 – ‘The Side Effects of Social Distancing’.
- Prototyping the Tesla Ventilator : This is a brief look at the Tesla Ventilator prototype, which makes use of a number of the Model 3’s parts – both to avoid using essential medical supplies, and to scale up rapidly once everything functions as desired.
- Bill Gates Is Funding New Factories For 7 Potential Coronavirus Vaccines : This is a wonderfully generous approach. His interview on the Daily Show touches on this, and several other aspects of the current situation.
- Mass Testing Of Sewerage Treatment Plants for SARS-CoV-2 : Although this round of testing is focused on the current coronavirus pandemic, it’d be a great way to assess the spread of a number of diseases.
- Detecting Cancer Via A Blood Test : Detects up to 50 kinds of cancer – now for larger rounds of testing, and the associated tweaks. Promising indeed.
We also talked about Being one step closer to classifying aging as a disease, Niacin helps battle brain cancers and a whole lot more. Keep up with the World of Health & Fitness on this site, and in the Straight to the Bar pages on Facebook, Twitter and in The Daily ‘Paper’. Absolutely free.
NB : If you’re stuck at home for a while, and would still love to get the occasional workout in, swing by the guide page. Whether you’re sans-equipment or already have a home gym set up, these suggestions can really make a difference.