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Incidentally, this site’s been helping people become fitter, healthier and stronger since January 2004. If you’ve just joined us, I highly recommend subscribing to the weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter (part of the Strength Kit), which contains details of new posts on the site, freshly-minted video demonstrations & tutorials, details of upcoming Gymchats and a whole lot more.
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To help get you started, here are a few of our most recent posts. And if you want to dive in to a particular area. check out the ‘Start Here‘ page above. Enjoy.
Cocinare GoPower Elite (Blender)
The Cocinare GoPower Elite is a high-powered blender, paired with a smartphone app for the sharing of recipes. Great combination.
Learning Parkour (Tom Scott)
A very interesting look at just how much Parkour a complete beginner can learn in a couple of days. Nice one.
Looking At : Feb 20 2022
This week on Straight to the Bar…
Fitness Reading For The Week : Medical Mysteries Across History (by Roy Benaroch)
Medical Mysteries Across History is a fascinating look at the medical diagnosis of various historical figures (what they most likely suffered from, and what could be done in a modern setting).
Things have certainly improved over the years.
Oumua (Breath Trainer)
The Oumua is a device for training your breathing, in the same progressive way as your strength work. A companion app (for your ‘phone) keeps track of your progress.
The Best Fat Burning Supplement By Far Is… (Mind Pump Show)
I strongly agree with this sentiment. How about you – what do you currently take, and why?
Looking At : Feb 13 2022
This week on Straight to the Bar…
Fitness Reading For The Week : Ten Drugs: How Plants, Powders, and Pills Have Shaped the History of Medicine (by Thomas Hager, Angelo Di Loreto)
Ten Drugs is a fascinating glimpse into one aspect of the history of medicine – the drug side of things. Love it.
Monkee Mount (Hands-Free Massage Gun Holder)
The Monkee Mount is a hands-free device for holding a massage gun. For massaging your back, or anywhere similarly difficult to reach.
What Caffeine Does to the Body (Institute of Human Anatomy)
As a regular coffee drinker (and I’m certainly not alone there), I found this both incredibly fascinating and mildly terrifying. Dive in.