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Incidentally, this site’s been helping people become fitter, healthier and stronger since January 2004. If you’ve just joined us, I highly recommend subscribing to the weekly Strength & Fitness Newsletter (part of the Strength Kit), which contains details of new posts on the site, freshly-minted video demonstrations & tutorials, details of upcoming Gymchats and a whole lot more.
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To help get you started, here are a few of our most recent posts. And if you want to dive in to a particular area. check out the ‘Start Here‘ page above. Enjoy.

Looking At : Dec 12 2021
This week on Straight to the Bar…
Fitness Reading For The Week : The Mindful Athlete : Secrets to Pure Performance (George Mumford, Phil Jackson)
The Mindful Athlete : Secrets to Pure PerformanceIt'll come as no surprise that we discuss a lot of fitness-related books; on this site as well as the various networks noted in the sidebar. The Mindful Athlete is a look at George Mumford's mindfulness coaching - in...

Otus Personal Eye-Trainer (Automated Training Device)
The Otus is an eye-training device, which exercises the muscles on either side of each lens.

The ULTIMATE Health Test for…EVERYONE? (InsideTracker Review) (Katie Type A
Great review of the InsideTracker blood-testing service. Not cheap, but if your budget permits – it’s highly recommended.

Looking At : Dec 5 2021
This week on Straight to the Bar…

Quad Ultra Hand Grips by Velites
The Velites Quad Ultra Hand Grips are simply hand grips for hooking on to a bar – think barbell, kettlebell or chinning bar.

Why Strength Endurance is Crucial for Performance (The Bioneer)
Very interesting idea – definitely one to consider making use of in your training.

Looking At : Nov 28 2021
This week on Straight to the Bar…

How good is bodyweight training for MMA?
We all can agree to the fact without any argument that the primary reason why an athlete wants to become strong is to be effective in their respective sport. The most common way of developing strength is indeed lifting weights. But we have come across countless MMA...

Fitness Reading For The Week : Vaccine: How the Breakthrough of a Generation Fought Covid-19 (Joe Miller, Ugur Sahin, Özlem Türeci, John Sackville)
Vaccine is a thorough look into the history of recent events – specifically that of the mRNA vaccines. How they work, why they were selected and the possible future uses of this incredible technology.