Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Walking Backwards

Just a quick squat session today. At the risk of sounding a little weird (perhaps a bit late for that comment), I hate walking backwards with a bar on my back. To the point of looking for any excuse not to do it. This makes squats – at least until I find myself...

Aching All Over – Time for Grip Work

I often wake up thinking about deadlifting. This morning my thoughts were centred around a hot bath filled with Radox Muscle Soak. After flicking through yesterday’s workout notes, and not seeing anything particularly unusual (other than higher volume/shorter...

Checking Depth

Last week’s above parallel box squats convinced me to check my depth on the regular, box-free variety. In order to do these I set the pins such that I’d have to just touch them each time I went deep enough. After a few sets of these I realised that it just...

Music For Therapy

Music certainly makes a difference in workouts (as anyone who’s ever tried lifting weights to a bit of Britney Spears would know – don’t ask). My brother has always had a heavier taste in music – the stuff I now work out to is the stuff...

Getting Hip to It

I’ve got to do something about my lack of hip drive – it’s undoubtedly doing nothing for my squat and probably helping my deadlift by the same amount. Preceding tonights RDLs were a few sets of highly explosive Dimel Deadlifts; absent for a while but...