Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


More Room to Work With

In a couple of months I’ll be relocating to Australia (slight change of scenery) and spent a bit of time this morning clearing out the garage a little. This finally gave me enough room to shift the bench out the way and do some full range deadlifts. That extra...

A Guess

Based on various reactions this morning (I’ll spare you the details), I’d guess it was a mild dose of food poisoning that caused yesterday’s impromptu events. Things seemed to have settled down by this afternoon – a quick bench session seemed...

For No Apparent Reason

I’ve been throwing up randomly throughout the day – with no apparent reason. Usually the finger of blame points toward a particular item of food, a current illness, or stress. Today there was none of that; it just seemed that everything I ate was making a...

Snatch-Grip Rack Pulls

A very, very brief session today (no more than 10 minutes). The schedule should be back to normal by tomorrow. Snatch-grip rack pull (below knee, 4 holes) 4×10@60/132 2×10@100/225