Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Walk in the Park

I guess this falls somewhere between a rest day and conditioning. I’ve been trying to avoid putting too much weight on the left foot all week, but the sun was out – a rare event here.

Soothing Music and a Handful of New PRs

Snow in the park.After nearly 4 years I still haven’t adjusted to the Scottish weather. This morning on leaving the house I debated whether or not a t-shirt and jeans would be enough. 10 minutes later it was snowing. By mid-afternoon the snow had all but...

Shouldering On

Following Monday’s great start I’ve been trying to avoid standing for any length of time (as for stairs, well they should just be made illegal). Everything seems pretty close to normal now, but just to be on the safe side I decided to do the majority of...


After having a rather heated argument with a good friend (who also happens to be my flatmate) on Saturday, we’ve been avoiding each other ever since. With this situation firmly in mind it was off to the garage for an early morning workout. Before starting, I...

Chalk It Up

Chalk ball.Finally got a chance to catch up on sleep (7.5 hours, which is great compared with the 4-5 I usually get) and it certainly made a difference this morning. Looking over Rob’s recent squat/rack pull workout inspired me to do the same – including...


This week’s been a mess – at least as far as training is concerned. Poor diet (skipping meals), lack of sleep (2.5 hrs per night just isn’t enough) and a general lack of listening to the clanking of iron. At least the time spent digging up the front...