Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Owen Swift’s Hand-Book to Boxing

Via MMA Updates : Kirk reprints Owen Swift’s Hand-Book to Boxing (first published in 1840). Looking at the history, styles and training methods of pugilism, this is a fantastic read.

Pack Light, Train Hard

Well traveled suitcase.Soon the holidays will be upon us and many of us will be traveling to be with family and friends. This can be a “dangerous” time for many because our training routine will be interrupted and replaced with all the caloric and...
Building A Neck Of Steel

Building A Neck Of Steel

Insane neck strength. Have you ever seen how many muscleheads have HUGE bodies but little tiny pencil necks? I don’t quite understand this but to each his own. The neck is one of the most neglected body parts, but one of the most important. A strong neck can...