Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Bottom Squat

Bud Jeffries. The bottom, or bottom-up squat (sometimes called ‘dead stop squat’) is simply a squat performed starting from the lowest position. This is usually done in a power rack from pins that mean your thighs are horizontal.How does this change...

Walking Squats

Walking.I first saw this some time ago (on T-nation from memory) and promptly forgot about it. Bud Jeffries mentioned its effectiveness in a recent piece, and I decided to try it out. The walking squat is exactly what you’d expect. Walk a couple of steps, squat,...

A Grand Challenge

Remember Bud Jeffries’ unusual-looking (there are other words often used here, I’m just being polite) 1,000 lb bottom-up squat? If you haven’t seen the video, it’s on the front page of his site : He’s currently offering...
More Strongman Videos

More Strongman Videos

Bud Jeffries.If the Jesse Marunde video that Chris linked to recently whet your appetite for Strongman lifts, there are a few videos at Diesel Crew that should keep you going. Whilst looking around for information on ‘bottom-up’ squatting, I also noticed...