Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Alternating Kettlebell Cleans

Dip and Switch.Punch Gym’s Anthony DiLuglio demonstrates [.wmv, 2.5mb] an exercise – The Alternating Kettlebell Clean – that definitely puts a second kettlebell on the shopping list. Even a pair of light bells will get the hips nicely warmed...

Kettlebell Figure 8 with Hold

Anthony DiLuglio.This is a great variation of the classic Figure 8 move. After passing the bell around one leg, snap the hips and pull it to shoulder height on the opposite side. Lower it, and repeat on the opposite side. Anthony DiLuglio’s video [.wmv, 5.5mb]...

Kettlebell Overhead Squat

UPDATE 25/03/21 : Although the video and sites below were available when this post was written, sadly they’re no longer with us. Apologies for that. If you want to make sure you’re always kept in the loop when we put new content on this site, subscribe to...

Kettlebell Iron Cross

Kettlebell Iron Cross.Punch Gym’s Anthony DiLuglio demonstrates [.wmv, 4.6mb] a slightly modified version of an Iron Cross, or a reversed Lateral Raise. This is definitely an exercise that can just as easily be done with two dumbbells, small sandbags or anything...

Modified Kettlebell Two Hands Anyhow

Modified Kettlebell Two Hands Anyhow.Punch Gym’s Anthony DiLuglio demonstrates [.wmv, 2.8mb] a modified version of what is generally a fairly difficult move : the kettlebell two hands anyhow. NB : you’ll need two kettlebells of different weights for this...