Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Revisiting : The Encyclopedia of Clubbell Training

Weighted Vest Workouts.Remember these? Over the weekend I was chatting to a friend of mine about club training, and the excellent Encyclopedia of Clubbell Training came up. We first looked at it a while ago now (and we’ll be posting a few additional thoughts...

Clubbell 5×5

Clubbell 5×5.Looks great. Clubbell 5×5 is Alberto Gallazi’s take on the classic 5×5 approach, applied specifically to club training. Simple idea, with an awful lot behind it. We’ll be taking a closer look at the entire package shortly, but...

Sledgehammer Challenge for Charity

Rob RussellUPDATE 7 Oct 2011 : Rob’s just posted details of the raffle (you get an entry for every £1 you donate) over on his blog. Some great gear in there. Ready to see some serious conditioning work? On 15th October, Rob Russell will be doing a Sledgehammer...