Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Walk in the Park

I guess this falls somewhere between a rest day and conditioning. I’ve been trying to avoid putting too much weight on the left foot all week, but the sun was out – a rare event here.

A Long Three Months

When first planning to do a few things to the house our estimate was around 3 months to get everything sorted, sit back and relax. This still seems about right; the only frustration is that the garage will most likely have to wait until near the end of the list...

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

For a supposedly mild-weathered city, Edinburgh has been basking in the sun for the past couple of weeks. In stark contrast to the usual process of deciding just how many layers of clothing to wrap up in before venturing outside, I found myself consciously avoiding...

Dimel Deadlift

This exercise was employed to great effect by powerlifter Matt Dimel (hence the name), who used it to help move his squat from a respectable 820lb to a massive 1010lb in just two years. This lift is similar to the main part of a Romanian deadlift. Using a narrow...

Squatting Again

A month without squatting is a long one indeed, as I’m sure Kris will attest. Knocking out a few sets of the box variety was more than welcome. As wednesday’s workout was evidence enough that one month without free weights hadn’t done any harm, I...