Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


Air Pollution and Electric Cars

Transport Evolved.As you’ve doubtless noticed, we talk about air pollution quite a bit on Straight to the Bar. If you’ve ever tried training outdoors near a polluted city, you’ll understand why. One of the many ways to ensure clean air around urban...

Live Video Streaming of Sports

‘Can you see an opening?’ – Jeffrey Davis on Flickr.Although live streaming video has been around for many years now, it seems to have really picked up pace over the past few weeks. Used for events such as the various shootings in the US, the...

How They Got Started : Marco Pessoa

The enigmatic Marco Pessoa.I love hearing everyones’ fitness backgrounds, it’s always fascinating to hear how someone got started. Here’s how Marco Pessoa began (and returned to) his own training journey. Scott Hey Scott, great to hear from you, and...