Straight to the Bar

All Things Strength


A New Routine – Sydney 2006

With the rack back in place (but not the bench – more on that in a minute) it was time for a new routine. A few months of Total Gym, bodyweight and kettlebell work have broadened my appreciation of all things strength related, and this routine reflects that. The...

Hypertrophy Routine

I’ve decided to switch to a hypertrophy routine for a couple of months, with the intention of increasing muscle a bit ready for some PR-breaking. Using 12-rep sets (apart from warmups) seems to be doing the trick right now – I’ll adjust this as...
Updated Regime

Updated Regime

With the garage still serving as a storage facility, my workouts are reaching a fairly stable mixture of bodyweight and occasional weighted work. The bodyweight workouts usually comprise several of the exercises listed below, which will be explained in greater detail...

A Little Straighter

After a hard drive in my PC decided to crash yesterday, I elected to move the scheduled squat workout to this morning. Until I managed to recover most of the data from it I wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind. There’s nothing like the faint smell of...

Quick Test : Leg Curls

I agree wholeheartedly with Alberto’s recent comment that sometimes you have to treat yourself as an absolute beginner. After reading through the comments on my somewhat ordinary (read abysmal) squatting form, I’ll be giving Patrik Nyman’s Prilepin...

3 Weeks of Conditioning

For the next few weeks I’ll be operating as a tourist guide, showing my parents some of the UK. The combination of castles, ruined cathedrals and summer sun proved too tempting (photo ops abound). So it looks like a bit of bodyweight conditioning for a while....